Monday, October 22, 2018

The One God I don't know versus the on Supreme being who exists as whom?

How does God Almighty show up in his mighty power? Good question.
In ancient times, the Egyptians enslaved the people of Israel and would NOT let them go free to offer sacrifices to the Lord their God. Why?
Because Egypt had many gods of power but one problem: they did not revere the one true God: Jesus Christ. 
So one by one God began to destroy the pegan gods: Re, the god of the Nile river, the god of frogs and the god of dust of the earth. 
Wow. There are certainly a lot of gods. But the reality is there is only one God who exists eternally as: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
The next time someone says they believe in God, ask them if they believe in the one Supreme Being who exists as the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Key passages: Exodus 4:15-16, Exodus 7:1-2 


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