Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Turning our hearts and minds towards Christian Living: How to Avoid just say rather then say and do

Sometimes I wonder if God notices all the hard work I do. And then I have to remember that God always does!
Recently, I spoke with a friend who told me right from wrong about my faith versus my actions based on my beliefs.

I was stunned and I asked God to examine my heart and motives for any areas that do not line up with Him. He did!

I am not going to go into detail, but He performed spiritual surgery on my heart and mind! Ouch! That hurt!

Here's my point:
We can say we are Christians and live out what we believe while we preach the gospel, or we can preach the gospel, say what we believe, but not live out the truth. James 1:21-22
It's more than memorizing scripture and owning a thousand bibles! It's Living the Dream!

So like the miracle in Cana of Jesus turning water into wine. People were admired by what He did, but scripture records that He would not entrust his work to people because he knew their hearts!

People's opinions come and go, but we need to seek ONLY God's approval. God's opinion and perspective never changes! Ours does!

So, what are you waiting for? Go out into the world of work and show what Christ is all about!

Don't just say you are a Christian, do it! Act on it NOW!


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