Saturday, December 22, 2018

Esto es lo que necesitas hacer con tu vida: trae tu corazón de piedra a Jesús, inside-prison-cell-how-you-can.html.

¡Te pido que tengas una mejor comprensión de quién es este Jesús y de lo mal que te quiere!

En él,


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

¡Desenreda mi desorden Jesús y te daré la gloria!

Mira de cerca y dime lo que ves.

Tomó una hora para terminar de deshacer los nudos en los hilos y ¡fue un infierno!

Dejando solo jugar Have your way de Britt Nicole ...

Si alguna vez tienes una relación estrecha o un lugar en la vida, solo mira al Salvador que deshizo los nudos en tu vida.

Tiene él ??


Untangle my mess Jesus and I will give you the glory!

Look closely and tell me what you see.

It took an hour to finish undoing the knots in the yarns and it was HELL!!!
Let alone playing Have your way by Britt Nicole...
If you are ever in a tight relationship or spot in life, just look to the Savior who undid the knots in your life.
Has he??

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hospitalidad a amigos cristianos y no creyentes.

¿Qué haces cuando ves a una persona necesitada? ¿Ofrecen su tiempo y energía en su vida?
En este video, encontramos que la hospitalidad es crucial para vivir la vida cristiana aquí en la tierra.
Entonces, ¿qué harás la próxima vez que notes que alguien necesita ayuda?


Pasaje clave: 3 Juan niv

Hospitality to Christian and unbelieving friends

What do you do when you see a person in need? Do you offer up your time and energy into their life?
In this video, we find that hospitality is crucial to living the Christian life here on earth. 
So, what will you do the next time you notice someone needs a helping hand? 


Key passage: 3 John niv 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

¿Asesinado en el Espíritu? ¡Creo que tienes una idea INCORRECTA sobre el Espíritu Santo Viviente y no un fantasma!
¡¡Este es el POR QUÉ estoy en contra de todas las creencias Charasmáticas !!


Monday, October 22, 2018

Wombs of miscarriage and pregnancy: How other women's stories can giveyou peace

How have you ladies and gentlemen been lately with your children?
There is a story in the above post about miscarriages. I wanted you to know that the word of God is FILLED with overflowing promises of wombs not miscarrying! 
But here is Britt Nicole's song: to help you understand what God needs from your womb: not just your baby, but your heart! 

Be blessed! 

The One God I don't know versus the on Supreme being who exists as whom?

How does God Almighty show up in his mighty power? Good question.
In ancient times, the Egyptians enslaved the people of Israel and would NOT let them go free to offer sacrifices to the Lord their God. Why?
Because Egypt had many gods of power but one problem: they did not revere the one true God: Jesus Christ. 
So one by one God began to destroy the pegan gods: Re, the god of the Nile river, the god of frogs and the god of dust of the earth. 
Wow. There are certainly a lot of gods. But the reality is there is only one God who exists eternally as: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
The next time someone says they believe in God, ask them if they believe in the one Supreme Being who exists as the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Key passages: Exodus 4:15-16, Exodus 7:1-2 


Power to redeem: How I am not the only bride of Jesus that there is on earth

I hope you can understand that I am NOT  the ONLY one Christ has chosen:

Hope that sets the standards for the fact that I am not the only bride he has! 
Everyone gets a piece of the wedding cake ceremony! 


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Aumentando o derribando: ¡Deshazte de las paredes que tienes hacia los demás o te arrepentirás!

Estamos llamados a ser luces en un mundo oscuro y caído:, https: // 1sa8tg3ok8mqbvfiu2s7gr91, -2-Online-Sermon-Notes.pdf,

Entonces, quienquiera que seas, no construyas paredes hacia otras personas (incrédulos) o cristianos.

Paso clave: Hechos 10.

¡Dios bendiga!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Poder de redimir: Cómo no soy la única esposa de Jesús que hay en la tierra

Espero que puedan entender que NO soy el ÚNICO que Cristo ha elegido:,

Espero que establezca los estándares para el hecho de que no soy la única novia que tiene.
¡Todos reciben una parte de la ceremonia de la torta de boda!


Monday, June 4, 2018

¿El único Dios que no conozco contra el ser supremo que existe como quién?

¿Cómo se presenta Dios Todopoderoso con su gran poder? Buena pregunta.
En la antigüedad, los egipcios esclavizaron al pueblo de Israel y NO los dejarían en libertad para ofrecer sacrificios al Señor su Dios. ¿Por qué?
Porque Egipto tenía muchos dioses de poder pero un problema: no reverenciaban al único Dios verdadero: Jesucristo.
Entonces, uno por uno, Dios comenzó a destruir a los dioses pegán: Re, el dios del río Nilo, el dios de las ranas y el dios del polvo de la tierra.
Guau. Ciertamente hay muchos dioses. Pero la realidad es que solo hay un Dios que existe eternamente como: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo.
La próxima vez que alguien diga que cree en Dios, pregúntele si cree en el único Ser Supremo que existe como la Trinidad: Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo y Dios el Espíritu Santo.

Pasos clave: Éxodo 4: 15-16, Éxodo 7: 1-2


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hacer cosas divertidas con nuestros familiares: Cómo disfrutar la vida al máximo con los que amas

"¿A dónde vamos, mamá y papá?"
Papá: Vamos a divertirnos y quedarnos en casa.
Niños: ¡Sí, podemos jugar a la casa en nuestra casa! Voy a agarrar la casa de muñecas!

¿No te encantaba ser un niño? Quiero decir, ¿soy el único que disfrutaba jugando con sus hermanos?

Hay una canción de Britt Nicole llamada Welcome to the Show: mirala en youtube y espero que la disfrutes.

Así que tengan una aventura en la fe y disfruten la vida al máximo. Te veo pronto.


Doing Fun Things with our Family Members: How to enjoy life to the full with the ones you love

“Where are we going, mom and dad?” 
Dad: We are going to have fun and stay at home.
Kids: Yeah, we can play house in our house!! I’ll grab the dollhouse!! 

Didn’t you just love being a kid? I mean, am I the only one who enjoyed playing with her siblings? 

There is a song by Britt Nicole called Welcome to the Show: watch it on youtube and I hope you enjoy it. 

So have an adventure in the faith and enjoy life to the full. See you soon. 


Monday, May 21, 2018

From the Womb to the Tomb: Don't be Pro Life or Pro Choice: Be Pro Grace

Please be prayerful about viewing the content below:

I am not Pro Life or Pro Choice for I am Pro Grace: basically, I am both for the mother and the baby inside her womb.

From the womb, to the tomb, God is Life: Don't kill the person inside you when there is a loving family wishing they had your baby.

Hope you are encouraged!

I love you!


Del útero a la tumba: no seas Pro Life o Pro Choice: Be Pro Grace

Por favor, oren para ver el contenido a continuación:, to-point-if-life.html, pdf,

No soy Pro Life o Pro Choice porque soy Pro Grace: básicamente, soy tanto para la madre como para el bebé dentro de su útero.

Desde el útero hasta la tumba, Dios es vida: no mates a la persona que llevas dentro cuando exista una familia amorosa que desee tener a tu bebé.

Espero que estés animado!

¡Te amo!


Friday, May 18, 2018

How the Lord God can Set a woman who was a teenager: straight

There's no mistake that you can make that's ever going to make me walk away. -Britt Nicole
You know something? Those lyrics are powerful!!

You know something else? I have been through a lot:

Check out the links after reading this post. You will be amazed at my God!


Cómo el Señor Dios puede establecer a una mujer que era adolescente: recta

No hay ningún error que puedas hacer que me haga alejarme. -Britt Nicole
¿Sabes algo? ¡Esas letras son poderosas!

¿Sabes algo más? He pasado por muchas cosas:

Revisa los enlaces después de leer esta publicación. ¡Te sorprenderás de mi Dios!


La idea de que todo es nuestro: una parábola para ayudarnos a entender que todo es de Dios

¿Alguna vez le ha prestado algo a alguien solo para darse cuenta de que no fue lo suficientemente responsable como para devolvérselo al final del día? Eso es lo que me pasó.

Varias horas antes en mi día de hoy, presté mi parlante y su cordón a un buen amigo mío, pero olvidé pedirlo de vuelta al final del día.

¿Sabes que? Jesús dice en la Biblia que si alguien quiere pedirte prestado, no retires lo que tienes de ellos. Además, si esa persona toma lo que le pertenece, no lo exija de nuevo. Dale a quien te pide y no te alejes de quien quiere pedirte prestado. -Jesucristo.

Espero que hayas aprendido una poderosa lección de mi experiencia.


The Idea that everything is ours: A parable to help us understand that everything is God's

Have you ever lent something to someone only to realize they were not responsible enough to give it back to you at the end of the day? That’s what happened to me. 

Several hours earlier into my day today, I lent both my speaker and its cord to a good friend of mine but forgot to ask for it back at the end of the day. 

You know what? Jesus says in the bible that if someone wants to borrow from you, do not hold what you have from them. Also, if that person takes what belongs to you do not demand it back. Give to the one who asks of you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. -Jesus Christ.

Hope you learned a powerful lesson from my experience. 


Thursday, May 17, 2018

El gozo del Señor: ¿Cómo es este don mi fortaleza y cómo puedo usarlo diariamente?

"Tu alegría puede ser completa". dijo Jesús en la Biblia. John 15
Lo que Dios quiere para sus hijos puede ser difícil de lograr a veces. Pero finalmente eso depende de nosotros. como cristianos, estamos llamados a ser felices en todo momento. 1 Tesalonicenses 5: 16-18.

Mire cómo Jesús trabaja en su vida y en las vidas de muchos otros.


The Joy of the Lord: How is this gift my strength and how may I use it daily?

"Your joy may be complete." said Jesus in the bible. John 15
What God wants for his children can be hard to achieve at times. But ultimately that is up to us. as Christians, we are called to be joyful at all times. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Look at how Jesus works in your life and in the lives of countless others.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Orando tan duro que obtienes agujeros en qué tipo de pantalones: Quiero que mis rodillas tengan agujeros, ¿verdad?

Un amigo mío sugirió rezar con tanta fuerza que tienes agujeros en las rodillas. Pero, ¿a qué se refiere exactamente?

Aquí hay una pista y una pregunta:

¿Qué significa orar con Holes in the Knees? Tener agujeros en las rodillas significa
reza tan duro que te estás usando tus pantalones vaqueros espiritualmente.

Para ser claros, ¡todos debemos orar tan fuerte que tenemos agujeros en nuestros jeans! ¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Reza tan fuerte que tienes agujeros en las rodillas!

Para más información, visite,


Praying so Hard you get holes in what type of pants: I want my knees to have holes, don't you?

A friend of mine suggested praying so hard that you get holes in the knees. But what does she mean exactly? 

Here's a clue and a question: 

What does it mean to pray with Holes in the Knees? To have holes in the knees means to 
pray so hard that you are wearing your jeans out spiritually. 

To be clear, we all should pray so hard we have holes in our jeans! So what are you waiting for? Get praying so hard that you have holes in the knees!

For more, visit,


Monday, May 7, 2018

No creas al enemigo de tu alma: cómo estar a solas con Dios y no con el mismo Satanás

¿Estás creyendo mentiras?
¡Satanás nos quiere solos! Solo con nuestros pensamientos enredados, solo con sus mentiras susurradas que comienzan a sonar como verdad.
Cuando cualquiera de estas mentiras comienza a llenar nuestras cabezas, debemos reconocer que es el enemigo quien miente y trata de meternos en una trampa.
Una de las mentiras es sobre la biblia. Él nos hará pensar que no tenemos tiempo para leer la Palabra de Dios, no somos lo suficientemente inteligentes como para entender la Palabra de Dios, y es imposible vivir la verdad que se encuentra en la Palabra de Dios.
Podemos cerrarlo de inmediato proclamando que la palabra de Dios es una lámpara para nuestros pies / luz en nuestro camino, es el manual de Dios para la vida y, finalmente, podemos proclamar que su palabra es nuestra mayor alegría y que tú, Dios, eres nuestro ¡El amor más grande!
Y luego, necesitamos abrir su Palabra y dejar que su verdad nos libere.

Para obtener más aliento, visite,


Don't believe the enemy of your soul: How to be alone with God and not Satan himself

Are you believing lies?
Satan wants us alone! Alone with our tangled thoughts, alone with his whispered lies that start to sound like truth.
When any of these lies start to fill our heads, we must recognize it's the enemy lying and trying to get us into a trap.
One of the lies is about the bible. He will make us think we don't have time to read God's word, we are not smart enough to understand God's word, and it is impossible to live out the truth found in God's word.
We can immediately shut him down by proclaiming that God's word is a lamp unto our feet/light unto our path, it is God's handbook for living and finally, we can proclaim that his word is our greatest joy and that you, God, are our Greatest Love!
And then, we need to open up his Word and let his truth set us free.

For more encouragement, visit,


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Dinero y seguridad: cómo la vida real NO depende de la estabilidad financiera sino de una sola fundación

Una vez fui adicto a las compras, ¿puedes creer eso? Quiero decir, ¡sacaría dinero constantemente de mi cuenta bancaria o ingreso mensual y calcularía la cantidad que hago cada dos semanas antes de que me paguen! ¡Gastaría dinero en dulces, refrescos, café y más basura de lo que necesitaba para mi cuerpo, mente y alma!

Luego aprendí sobre el presupuesto. Entonces, diezme el cheque antes de que lo obtuviera y guardé el resto en mi banco. ¡No fue fácil!

Al principio, tuve la tentación de pensar que el dinero era mi fuente (la mayor mentira de la seguridad), de la seguridad y guardarlo como si fuera a pasar al día siguiente si no lo guardaba o si no me pagaban suficiente dinero.

Aquí está la conclusión: si conoces a Jesús como tu Salvador y Señor, ¡tienes la seguridad eterna en Él, solo!


Espero que puedan aprender de mí una lección sobre la seguridad en comparación con una fortaleza segura ¡SÓLO en Jesucristo!

¡La paz sea con todos ustedes!

Juan 14:27


Money and Security: :How the Real life does NOT depend on just financial stability but on one Foundation

I was once addicted to shopping, can you believe that?? I mean, I would pull money constantly from my bank account or monthly income and calculate the amount I make every two weeks before I got paid! I would spend money on candy, soda, coffee and more junk than what I needed for my body, mind and soul!

Then I learned about budgeting. So, I tithed the check before I got it and saved the rest in my bank. It was not easy!

At first, I was tempted to think that money was my source (biggest lie of security yet), of security and save it like I was going to pass on the next day if I didn't save it or get paid enough money!

Here's the bottom line: If you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you have eternal security in Him, alone!


I hope you can learn a lesson from me about security versus a secure fortress found ONLY in Jesus Christ!

Peace be with you all!

John 14:27


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

La lucha con el pecado: Dios me ayude a salir de este agujero en el que me metí

Todos luchamos con el pecado. No nos gusta reconocerlo, preferiríamos ocultarlo, pero finalmente debemos enfrentar nuestros pecados. O seremos consumidos por ellos.
El pecado alimenta un ciclo peligroso en nuestras vidas. Deseamos algo que va en contra de la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas y nos movemos hacia él. En la desobediencia, pecamos. Y luego anunciamos lo que siempre acompaña al pecado: nos inscribimos para un eventual sufrimiento.
Entonces, ¿cómo podemos detener el pecado muerto en sus pistas? Humildemente reconocemos nuestra necesidad de Dios y le preguntamos si alguno de estos puede conducir al pecado.

Dios, coloco mis deseos ante ti y te pregunto si alguno de estos podría conducir al pecado. Solo quiero lo mejor para mi vida. En el nombre de Jesus. Amén.

Para obtener más información, visite


The Struggle with Sin: God help me out of this hole I dug myself into

We all struggle with sin. We don't like to acknowledge it, we would rather hide it, but eventually we must confront our sins. Or we will be consumed by them.
Sin feeds a dangerous cycle in our lives. We desire something that goes against God's will for our lives and we move towards it. In disobedience, we sin. And then we usher in what always accompanies sin: we sign up for eventual suffering. 
So how do we stop sin dead in its tracks? We humbly acknowledge our need for God and we ask him if any of these can lead to sin. 

God, I place my desires before you and I ask you if any of these could lead to sin. I only want what your best is for my life. In Jesus name. Amen. 

For more, visit


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Satan: The Fallen Angel that is after you! God: The Most High Being that is after you as well: choose wisely who to follow

Please read the following verses before watching the sermon or viewing the note:
Genesis 3, Job 1-2, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13, Revelation 20:7-10, Matthew 12:22-45, Luke 8:26-39, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 1-2:21, Daniel 10, Revelation 4-5.,

Please know that this world will try to trick you into thinking that you are attention seeking. Here is the truth: Satan, angels and demons who are fallen angels, are REAL!

Don't believe what the world says unless it is biblically sound doctrine.


Satanás: ¡El ángel caído que está detrás de ti! Dios: El Ser Más Elevado que también está detrás de ti: elige sabiamente a quién seguir

Por favor, lea los siguientes versículos antes de ver el sermón o ver la nota:

Génesis 3, Job 1-2, Mateo 4: 1-11, Lucas 4: 1-13, Apocalipsis 20: 7-10, Mateo 12: 22-45, Lucas 8: 26-39, Marcos 9: 14-29, Lucas 1-2: 21, Daniel 10, Apocalipsis 4-5., vH19MMAMwEc & rel = 0

Ten en cuenta que este mundo intentará engañarte para que pienses que estás buscando atención. Aquí está la verdad: ¡Satanás, ángeles y demonios que son ángeles caídos, son REALES!

No creas lo que dice el mundo a menos que sea una doctrina bíblicamente sana.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Corto y dulce: al punto si la vida o la muerte: no asesinar bebés!

¡El aborto es lo que está matando a los estadounidenses, los bebés que son estadounidenses! ¡Quiero que seas real acerca de esto!

¿Quién está conmigo para terminar con el aborto?


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Esperanza definida por un gran dios? ¿De quién está escribiendo Tatiana?

"¡Tú eres el Dios de las colinas y los valles!"
Esta canción es verdad, lo sabes, ¿verdad?
Todos hemos estado allí a través de los valles y las colinas. Pero la mayoría de nosotros no sabemos cómo son los valles. Y las colinas? ¡Bien, escuchemos la canción y descubramos!
Espero que esa canción y sus letras te ayuden !!


Hope Defined by a Great god? Who is Tatiana blogging about??

"You're the God of the hills and valleys!"
This song is true you know that, right?
We have all been there through the valleys and hills. But most of us don't know what the valleys are like. And the hills? Well, let's listen to the song and find out!!
Hope that song and its lyrics help you out!!


Monday, March 26, 2018

Herencia familiar: la Biblia y no pretende ser escondida como una antigüedad

¿Alguna vez te han regalado lo que se conoce como una reliquia familiar de tus abuelos?
¿Sabías que la Biblia es nuestra familia de confianza de nuestro Padre Celestial?
¡Sí! Él nos ha confiado su palabra. ¡Él quiere que lo leamos a diario, cada hora! ¡Estoy trabajando en esto también!
¡Entonces puedes hacerlo en!

¡Vea adelante y lea en voz alta la palabra de Dios! ¡¡No te arrepentiras!!


Family Heirloom: the Bible and not meant to be tucked away as an antique

Have you ever been given what is known as a family heirloom from your grandparents?
Did you know that the bible is our trusted family hierloom from our Heavenly Father? 
Yes! He has entrusted his word to us. He wants us to read it daily, hourly!! I am working on this too! 
So can you at!

See go ahead and read aloud the word of God! You will not be sorry!!


Monday, March 19, 2018

Adorando al verdadero Dios: Padre, Hijo, Espíritu Santo

¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en una trampa establecida por Satanás como el mayor enemigo de todo tu ser?
Esta canción,

Mi esperanza se basa en nada menos que la sangre y la justicia de Jesús. No me atrevo a confiar en el marco más dulce, ¡solo confío en el nombre de Jesús! Cristo solo. Cornerstone weak se hizo fuerte en el amor del Salvador. ¡A través de la tormenta él es Señor, Señor de todos!

¡Esta canción es la piedra angular de mi felicidad cuando estoy triste, solo o frustrado!
Acababa de salir de la plaza cuando golpeó como una tonelada de ladrillos: ¡Necesitaba una vez más, entregar por completo mi ser a este Dios que digo que adoro, pero realmente no lo hago! (¡¡Voy a ser sincero!!)

¿Cómo se ve o suena tu adoración? Comparte a continuación.


Worshipping the True God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Have you ever found yourself in a trap set by Satan the greatest enemy of your whole being? 

My Hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but only trust in Jesus name! Christ alone. Cornerstone weak made strong in the Savior's love. Through the storm he is Lord, Lord of all!

This song is the cornerstone of my happiness when I am sad, lonely, or frustrated! 
I was just leaving the plaza when it hit like a ton of bricks: I needed to once again, fully surrender my whole being to this God that I say that I worship, but don't really act on it!! (I will be honest!!)

What does your worship look or sound like?? Share below. 

Take care!

Monday, February 19, 2018

New Beginnings and Second chances are Available if We ask our Wise God

What does it mean to do what our parents say the first time, rather than what God says first?

If you look at the above post, you will see that I too, struggle with doing what God has called me to do.
Thankfully, God is not surprised by our asking of new opportunities, because in the Old Testament he implored Israel to recommit to him time and time again after they failed. Deuteronomy, 2 Kings and
1 Samuel prove our God is the God of new beginnings and second chances.

So, go ahead and ask for your second chance today! He has a limitless supply of grace and fresh starts.

For more, visit


Friday, February 2, 2018

Cultivating Growth and development in your faith and mine

Remember when I said I would talk about weeding out the bad in our lives and cultivating the good? My turn to talk this time. Here we go.
Weeding. Seems easy right? I mean come on! We can carry out the bad stuff; it's just that simple right? 
Reality check: it is not easy!

Let me begin with two Friday's ago when I truly came to the Cross and accepted God's gift of Salvation through his Son Jesus and received him as Lord and Savior into my life! Changes has been made and it is obvious to anyone who does not know Him as such!

My thinking has changed, my attitude has completely changed and finally, I have the full mindset of Christ. 

Who knew that religion could be such fun? Actually no it's not religion. 
This time it's FAITH! I mean it this time! I am not lying to anyone!

Coming forward at age eight at a baptist church isn't enough because I never fully surrendered my complete life to Christ!

Now you get it? So let's talk cultivating versus weeding. 
To cultivate a plant means to prune the plant meaning you clean it first then you take it and move it away to make room for more growth. As a result of the growth, you learn more in the process. This is called getting things together and pruning our garden(s). To prune means to clean. Cleaning is great, but it takes time. 
Now for the weeding. 
Here is the hard part: weeding out the bad! 
Okay. I will admit that weeding out the bad is tough! 
Here is what I mean: when we weed, we are getting rid of (completely) our bad thoughts, attitudes and actions. We need God to get rid of the bad ideas and reactions as well. This is hard but TOUGH LOVE! This is life!


I hope you can grow in your faith in the Lord. 

Blessings and peace!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Proverbios y la realidad de nuestros pensamientos y acciones

Como una mujer piensa, ¡entonces ella eventualmente actúa!
¡Tengo una cuenta bancaria en línea y no me está yendo tan bien!
¡Admitiré que ahorrar mi dinero es difícil! Pero al final, Jesús está en el medio de mi estrategia de salvación.
Hay momentos en que desobedezco a Dios. No se trata solo de pensamientos y acciones. A continuación, hay un ejemplo:
A veces, mientras estoy fuera con mi familia, oiré a Dios decir que haga algo y me enteré, "porque así lo dije, Tatiana".
Pero escucha el problema, ¡no lo hago enseguida cuando sé que debería hacerlo!
Ese es un hijo DESOBEDIENTE de Dios, sin embargo, hay gracia detrás de esto.
Dios nos da gracia, SI hemos venido a la cruz y hemos recibido a Cristo. Si lo hemos hecho por fe, él nos da gracia a través de nuestras luchas.
La vida no siempre es fácil y la transmisión no siempre es para remar, si estás familiarizado con la canción: "Rema, rema, rema tu barco".
Lo que estoy diciendo es esto: tus pensamientos dictan tus acciones. ¡Piénsalo!

¡Ahora ve! ¡Difundir la palabra!


Proverbs and the reality of our thoughts and actions

As a woman thinks, so she eventually acts!
I have a Online bank account and I am not doing so well! 
I will admit that saving my money is tough! But in the end, Jesus is right in the middle of my saving strategy. 
There are times where I disobey God. It's not just about thoughts and actions. Below, is an example: 
Sometimes, while I am away with my family, I will hear God say to do something and I hear, "because I said so, Tatiana." 
But hears the problem, I don't do it right away when I know I should! 
That is a DISOBEDIENT child of God, however, there is grace behind this. 
God gives us grace, IF we have come to the cross and received Christ. If we have done this through faith, he gives us grace through our struggles. 
Life is not always easy and the stream is not always to row, if you are familiar with the song: "Row, row, row your boat." 
What I am saying is this: your thoughts dictate your actions. Think about that! 

Now go! Spread the word!


Friday, January 12, 2018

Wealthy People Versus Poor people: how not to throw yourself into trapsset by this world

Wondering what this world is made out of? 
Not wealth! Spiritual meanings adds to it. 

1. I honestly define wealth as having wealth in riches and things. God defines wealth as not having material possessions but having healthy perspectives on life.
2. What it means to fear God in my life is to pay homage to him and have full respect for only him alone.
3. Honestly on the money side I spend before I can tithe once I get the check or income BECAUSE I spend it on Starbucks, Peet's Coffee and Tea, Jamba Juice, candy when I am cramping and starting my period, and soda. 
On the time side, I spend my time listening to music when I am supposed to be communicating with people, do my bible study and sometimes forget to do both this devotional and the proverbs31 Ministries devotional. I spend time reading my weekly reading to prepare my heart and mind for the next Sunday service. Overall, I spend my time wisely instead of foolishly sometimes.
On the writing side, I spend too much time listening to podcasts on my iPod shuffle instead of writing blog posts to "feed" my hungry readers.
In conclusion, I need to pray and ask God for time managing skills.

Psalm 37:1-6 NIV
[1] Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; [2] for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. [3] Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. [4] Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. [5] Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: [6] He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Proverbs 3:1-10 NIV
[1] My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, [2] for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. [3] Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. [4] Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. [5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; [6] in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. [7] Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. [8] This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. [9] Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; [10] then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Mark 12:43-44 NIV
[43] Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. [44] They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything---all she had to live on.”
1 Timothy 6:17-19 NIV
[17] Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. [18] Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. [19] In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Kings 10:14-15 NIV
[14] The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, [15] not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.
Proverbs 21:20 NIV
[20] The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.
Luke 6:38 NIV
[38] Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
I hope that this touches your heart! 


Monday, January 8, 2018

Desires are meant for What and Whom?

We all struggle with sin:, and we don't like to acknowledge it and would rather hide it.

We can defeat this struggle by praying: God, you know what is best for my life. This desire is holding me back from you. Show me if this desire is leading me to sin. And if it is Lord, drive me far from it so I do not fall into the pit of sin. In Jesus name amen.

The links below are for your benefit to look over in your spare time:

These links are not for the faint of heart. They are here in case you are pulled in by your own sinful desire.

Hope that helps and God bless!

Fear is not the answer to life: or maybe faith is the solution?

Fear can be scary to conquer. Unfortunately, I know what that is like. 

26 years ago a baby was born premature at 24 weeks early before her due date. 
She had:
Bleeding severely and water build up in her brain,
Was given a 10% chance to survive at birth,
Came out feet first weighing 1 pound 7 ounces, 
Had to be given a very tiny dose of Morphine right away after birth because of energy overload that could have killed her, 
Survived a deadly virus at 18 months old that almost killed her.

Does it click you yet? Want to know who that baby is and why she fights her battles even though she is now 26 years old?
That baby is... Me! Tatiana Marguerite Grubb! 

Listen, I know fear can paralyze us in a way but it does not have to!!!

Fear: the enemy's worst tactic against God's children.
Faith: read Hebrews 11:1. The ability to conquer our fears no matter the cost! 

God bless!

Receiving Requests Rather Then Putting God First

Have you ever received a request from someone and, without a second thought, accepted it? After accepting the request, have you ever realized you had something else different planned?

God wants more and more intimate time with us regardless of the cost. Remember to please God rather than others first. God did not create us to spend our souls on humans for the rest of our lives.

The reality is a better yes and praying about your situation before deciding to give a yes to the request. That way, you can have peace!

Doing things for God's glory is much better than for our glory! Remember to put God first and people last. Than you will have a thriving and great Soul!


Un pequeño pecado va un giro largo y ofensivo hacia un Dios Santo y justo

¿Qué es la verdadera alegría? La verdadera alegría, Bíblicamente hablando, no es sólo una sonrisa en la cara tipo de cosa, o hacer algo piadoso para un extranjero.

¡No! La verdadera alegría es saber cuánto has sido perdonado por la pena de muerte de Jesús en esa vieja cruz rugosa. ¡ la verdadera alegría está cayendo a los pies del maestro en abandonar la adoración!
Jesús fue voluntariamente y dispuesto a renunciar a su vida en la Cruz, no lo pusimos allí.

Sin embargo, recuerda que la próxima vez que te sientas superior a ti mismo o a los demás, ¡ recuerda que todo pecado es serio! ¡ incluso las pequeñas mentiras blancas vislumbran a Dios y son seriamente ofensivas a un Dios Santo!
Lea los pasajes de las escrituras que se enumeran a continuación: pasajes clave: Salmo 103:8-12, Isaías 38:16-19, hechos 3:19, Efesios 4:32, Lucas 7:48, 50 bendiciones!

A Little Sin Goes a Long Offensive Turn Towards a Holy and Just God

What is real joy? Real joy, biblically speaking, isn't just a smile on the face kind of thing, or doing something godly for a foreigner.

No! Real joy is knowing how much you have been forgiven by Jesus' death penalty on that old rugged cross. Real joy is falling at the Master's feet in abandon worship!

Jesus went voluntarily and willingly to give up his life on the cross, we did not put him there.

However, remember that the next time you feel superior to yourself or others, remember that all sin is SERIOUS! Even the little white lies catch a glimpse at God and are seriously offensive to a Holy God!

Read the scripture passages listed below:

Key passages: Psalm 103:8-12, Isaiah 38:16-19, Acts 3:19, Ephesians 4:32, Luke 7:48,50 


Sunday, January 7, 2018

¿ya estoy en casa? ¿el cielo es real o estoy soñando?

¿Cuánta gente aquí leyendo este post saben como es el cielo? Nadie probablemente, porque no hemos estado allí todavía.

El apóstol Pablo habló muchas veces concerniente a este asunto, ¡ pero la verdad es que nadie ha ido allí y ha vuelto!
La verdad del asunto es sin embargo, que este mundo no es nuestro hogar para vivir para siempre! Vamos a morir algún día.

Pero, si conoces a Jesús el Mesías como tu Señor y Salvador, ya sea que lo sepas o no, ¡ el cielo es tu verdadero hogar!
¡Así es! Cuando has venido a la Cruz y confesado todos tus males y pedido perdón por cada mal y aceptado el regalo libre de Cristo de la salvación, te conviertes en parte de una familia para siempre y tu destino final es el cielo.
 Usted cancela su reserva para perecer en el infierno, un montón de basura de la ruina donde Satanás y sus ángeles fueron derribados de Dios!
Pero, si usted ha cancelado esa horrible reserva, usted está en el premio: el cielo!
Por lo tanto, vivir como hoy fue tu último día, si conoces a este Jesús, y pasar al cielo! ¡ Pídele a Dios que termine el buen trabajo que ha comenzado en ti hoy y todos los días hasta que llegues a casa!
Pasajes clave: Salmo 84:1-7, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, Hebreos 11:1-40 ¡ bendiciones!

Am I Home Yet? Is Heaven for Real or am I dreaming?

How many people here reading this post know what heaven is like?? No one probably, because we have not been there yet.

The apostle Paul spoke many times concerning this matter, but the truth is, no one has gone there and come back!
The truth of the matter is however, that this world is not our home to live forever in! We will die one day.

But, if you know Jesus the Messiah as your Lord and Savior, whether you know it or not, heaven is your true home!

That's right! When you have come to the cross and confessed all your wrongs and asked for forgiveness for each wrong and accepted Christ's free gift of salvation, you become a part of a forever family and your FINAL destination is heaven.

You cancel your reservation to perish in hell, a trash heap of ruin where Satan and his angels were thrown down from God!

But, if you have canceled that horrible reservation, you are in for the prize: Heaven!

So, live like today was your last day, if you know this Jesus, and move on to heaven! Ask God to finish the good work he has begun in you today and everyday until you reach home!

Key passages: Psalm 84:1-7, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 
Hebrews 11:1-40 


Saturday, January 6, 2018

¡Dios es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre! ¡Nada ha cambiado desde entonces! ¿Amén?

Dios es: YO SOY, Consejero Maravilloso, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz, Jesús, el Mesías Vivo.

Estos nombres te suenan familiares, ¿no? A veces, si no tenemos cuidado, podemos perder de vista quién es REALMENTE este Dios.

¿Cuál de estos nombres se destaca para ti? Tal vez necesites una charla con el Consejero maravilloso. O tal vez necesites simplemente descansar en paz y contemplar al Príncipe de la Paz. O tal vez, perdiste a un padre o abuelo y tu corazón PERMANECE por amor de este Padre Eterno.

¡Encuentra un nombre, reflexiona y aprende de él! ¡NO te arrepentirás o te sorprenderás en absoluto!


Pasos clave: Éxodo 3: 13-15, Lucas 1: 31-33

God is the Same: Yesterday, Today, and Forever! Nothing has changed since! Amen?

God is: I AM, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Jesus the Living Messiah.

These names sound familiar don't they? Sometimes, if we are not careful, we can loose sight of who this God REALLY is.

Which of these names stand out to you? Maybe you need a talk with the Wonderful Counselor. Or maybe you need to just REST in peace and gaze upon the Prince of Peace. Or perhaps, you lost a parent or grandparent and your heart LONGS for love from this Everlasting Father.

Find a name, reflect on it, and learn from it! You will NOT be sorry or surprised at all!


Key passages: Exodus 3:13-15,  Luke 1:31-33 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Dios me está llamando a hacer lo que para su gloria? Tal vez es una tarea demasiado grande?

¿Alguna vez Dios te ha llamado a una ENORME tarea?
Tal vez enfrentas a un niño que es rebelde, un marido que quiere divorciarse por tu creencia en Cristo, o tal vez sientes que Dios te está llamando a viajar por el mundo para ministrar a lugares del mundo donde su pueblo enfrenta una persecución terrible en diariamente.

Cualquiera sea la tarea, ¡Dios no te habría llamado si no te hubiera equipado para lograrlo!

Cuando adoramos a Dios solo, algo sucede con nuestra capacidad para terminar la tarea que tenemos entre manos. ¡Lo completamos en su nombre!

Entonces, la próxima vez que Dios te llame para hacer algo, ¡hazlo!

¡Porque él sabe que puedes!

¡Después de todo, Dios no te equiparía si supiera que no puedes hacerlo!


Pasajes clave: 1 Reyes 17: 1-6, Isaías 50: 4-10, Hebreos 13: 20-21

God is Calling Me to Do What For His Glory? Maybe it's too big of aTask?

Has God ever called you to a HUGE task??
Maybe your taking on a child who is rebellious,  a husband who wants a divorce because of your belief in Christ, or maybe you feel like God is calling you to travel the world to minister to places around the world where their people face dire persecution on a daily basis.

Whatever the task, God would not have called you, had he not equipped you to accomplish it!

When we worship God alone, something happens to our ability to finish the task at hand. We complete it in His Name!

So, the Next time God calls you to go do something, Do It!

Because he knows you can!

After all, God would not equip you if he knew you could not do it!


Key passages: 1 Kings 17:1-6, Isaiah 50:4-10,  Hebrews 13:20-21