Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hospitalidad a amigos cristianos y no creyentes.

¿Qué haces cuando ves a una persona necesitada? ¿Ofrecen su tiempo y energía en su vida?
En este video, encontramos que la hospitalidad es crucial para vivir la vida cristiana aquí en la tierra.
Entonces, ¿qué harás la próxima vez que notes que alguien necesita ayuda?


Pasaje clave: 3 Juan niv

Hospitality to Christian and unbelieving friends

What do you do when you see a person in need? Do you offer up your time and energy into their life?
In this video, we find that hospitality is crucial to living the Christian life here on earth. 
So, what will you do the next time you notice someone needs a helping hand? 


Key passage: 3 John niv 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

¿Asesinado en el Espíritu? ¡Creo que tienes una idea INCORRECTA sobre el Espíritu Santo Viviente y no un fantasma!
¡¡Este es el POR QUÉ estoy en contra de todas las creencias Charasmáticas !!


Monday, October 22, 2018

Wombs of miscarriage and pregnancy: How other women's stories can giveyou peace

How have you ladies and gentlemen been lately with your children?
There is a story in the above post about miscarriages. I wanted you to know that the word of God is FILLED with overflowing promises of wombs not miscarrying! 
But here is Britt Nicole's song: to help you understand what God needs from your womb: not just your baby, but your heart! 

Be blessed! 

The One God I don't know versus the on Supreme being who exists as whom?

How does God Almighty show up in his mighty power? Good question.
In ancient times, the Egyptians enslaved the people of Israel and would NOT let them go free to offer sacrifices to the Lord their God. Why?
Because Egypt had many gods of power but one problem: they did not revere the one true God: Jesus Christ. 
So one by one God began to destroy the pegan gods: Re, the god of the Nile river, the god of frogs and the god of dust of the earth. 
Wow. There are certainly a lot of gods. But the reality is there is only one God who exists eternally as: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
The next time someone says they believe in God, ask them if they believe in the one Supreme Being who exists as the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Key passages: Exodus 4:15-16, Exodus 7:1-2 


Power to redeem: How I am not the only bride of Jesus that there is on earth

I hope you can understand that I am NOT  the ONLY one Christ has chosen:

Hope that sets the standards for the fact that I am not the only bride he has! 
Everyone gets a piece of the wedding cake ceremony! 
